Saturday, June 11, 2011

Staying with our friends

Today we are in Portsmouth, the second biggest city in the ceremonial county of Hampshire on the south coast of England.
We won’t spend this night in a hotel, because two of our friends live here and they invited us to stay with them. A big thank you to you two, if you read this here. We know Kathy and Lisa from our school exchange and since then we are in contact, although they live in England and we in Germany.
When we arrived in Portsmouth, we had a delicious breakfast with Kathy and Lisa and after that we went to the “Spinnaker Tower”. This tower is 170m high and it’s the main item of the redevelopment of Portsmouth Harbor. The design is similar to the “Burj Al Arab” in Dubai, but the Spinnaker Tower is a way shorter than the Burj Al Arab. Its shape was chosen by residents from Portsmouth from a selection of concepts. The Spinnaker Tower was opened on October 18 in 2005 after several years of cost overruns and delays. When we stand on the top of the tower, the observation deck, we had a wonderful view of Portsmouth with its harbor and lots of other sights. We could look so far, that we saw the Isle of Wight, which is much kilometers away from the mainland of England.
After our trip to the Spinnaker Tower, we went to the “Royal Naval Museum”. It’s the museum of the history of the Royal Navy in Portsmouth.
In the afternoon we sat in Kathy’s and Lisa’s living-room and ate some cake and talked about all the experiences we have made. Now we have to stop writing, because we want to go for a walk to see the sunset. But we promise, that you will hear from us tomorrow. Have a good night.