Friday, June 10, 2011

At the amazing Pier

Today we had a sunny day at the Brighton Pier. Brighton is a town on the south coast of East Sussex with England’s most popular seaside resort.
Most time of the day we spend on the beach of Brighton and with hanging around the Pier. We learned a lot about the lifestyle in Brighton and these are the things we want to tell you about. The seafront of Brighton has restaurants, bars and nightclubs. There are more than 300 pubs where young people go to, every night. It’s considered to be one of the UK’s premier night-life meeting place and with lots of popular music artists, like ABBA. Brighton affords a multifarious cultural program with lots of theatres and museums. There are also lots of big, but also smaller fashion stores and that’s the reason of Brighton being such a popular fashion presented town. Because of its cosmopolitan ambiance it’s often called as “London by the sea”. More and more homosexual people settle in Brighton because of its serene attitude and easy way of living. All the people we met today were very friendly and kind, so we feel very comfortable in Brighton.

Now, we will go to bed to have enough energy to start in a powerful new day in Portsmouth tomorrow.